LocoHub8 (PCB for DIY)
LocoHub8 (PCB for DIY)
The LocoHub is a distributor for LocoNet. You can use it to branch your LocoNet, connect several LocoNet modules at the same time or to create a connection point for hand controllers. Or all at once. The LocoHub itself does not use any power and therefore does not drain the LocoNet. There are two LocoHubs: the LocoHub8 and the Locohub4.
The LocoHub8 has eight LocoNet connections that are connected 1-to-1. You plug the cable from the central unit into one of the eight and connect all possible LocoNet equipment to the other seven connectors.
Thanks to the LocoHub you can install a central LocoNet cable with branches to the various modules instead of looping through all modules. Any problems can be solved more quickly and there is always a LocoNet connection nearby to connect an extra module.
More information
Visit the Adventure in Miniature website for more information, components and connection diagrams.